A league that fits my style in Korea
2024년 안전한 토토사이트 순위 검토는 먹튀검증을 통해 선별된 안전놀이터 추천 TOP15를 소개합니다. 한국 스포츠 토토사이트의 베팅 정보 및 프로모션 정보를 통해 메이저 사설 토토사이트를 판단하는 기준을 여러분에게 제시합니다.
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2024년 안전한 토토사이트 순위 검토는 먹튀검증을 통해 선별된 안전놀이터 추천 TOP15를 소개합니다. 한국 스포츠 토토사이트의 베팅 정보 및 프로모션 정보를 통해 메이저 사설 토토사이트를 판단하는 기준을 여러분에게 제시합니다.
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Cuban striker Luis Elian Estrada (24, 201 cm), who was born in 2000, is drawing the most attention at the 2024 professional volleyball V-League foreign player tryout held at the NAS Sports Complex in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Before the lid was opened, attention was ordinary. In the preliminary preference survey, Christian Walzak of Poland, who had the superior physicality of 209 centimeters, was selected as the top contender by two clubs and the runner-up by one club, taking the title as the top contender. Lewis was only selected as the top contender by one club.
However, he displayed his potential in the main test. His resilient jumps and powerful swings were impressive. He had a history of having surgery on his right knee in 2019, but he was diagnosed with no problem playing immediately in the pre-medical test. Numerous club officials gave him a thumbs-up, calling him a standout player.
"I'm in really good shape," Lewis said, smiling brightly, "I don't have that many opportunities to show myself, and I'm proud of myself to take this special opportunity and be here."
The best advantage is the outstanding attack power that everyone acknowledges. Sargent jumps reach 75cm. Based on his excellent athletic ability, he boasts a remarkably high RBI.
"Attacking is my skill. I have a lot to show in the V-League when it comes to scoring goals," Lewis said. "I think this is a league that suits my style." "It is true that I need to develop in receiving, but I am like an open bag," Lewis said. "I am ready to learn everything from now on."
Expectations are also high for the Korean national team. "I talked a lot with Yosvani and Leo who are from Cuba and in the same agency. They explained a lot about the V-League system. In particular, I heard that Korea values manners and order." In addition, he said, "I highly value those values. To become a good player, you need to have good manners and respect the opponent," adding, "I felt that the Korean national team would fit me well in that regard."
He is also confident in his adaptation. "I have played in Brazil since I was around 17 years old and I have played in the Czech Republic as well," he said. "I have always adapted to different cultures. If I can play in Korea, those experiences will be helpful." He added, "Personally, I like to meditate. When I go to Korea, I want to go to places like temples and palaces."
"I'm playing volleyball, which I love, and I'm really happy to make a name for myself in this space," Lewis said. "I'm feeling the heat (for me), and I'm really happy in itself. But nothing has been decided yet. I just want to use that feeling of happiness as my motivation."
BY: 토토사이트